Let Failure Be Your Friend

Tim OlsonBlog, Ladies, Men

New Year’s resolutions. We all make them and unfortunately almost all of us also fail to keep them. People eventually give up trying because of the sense of futility triggered by these repeated failures. 

Fear of failure can develop a paralysis so incapacitating that unless we are confident of succeeding, we choose to do nothing. The African impala provides a vivid example of wasted potential simply because of the fear of failure.

The African impala is related to the North American antelope and is capable of jumping 10’ high and 30’ in distance while standing only 36 inches tall at the shoulder.  Despite this amazing potential, these animals refuse to jump where they cannot see. All that is needed is a fence 3’ high and the impala willingly remains imprisoned by an obstacle that it could easily overcome.

Zoologists claim that the impala refuses to jump when it cannot see where it’s going to land. Fear of failure does the same us; it blinds us to what can be, it traps us in the captivity of self-imposed limitations and prevents us from experiencing our full potential.

Paul challenges those of us who fear failure with these words, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). It’s time to quit listening to our Adversary who says you can’t and take that leap of faith in response to the One who says you can!

The road to great accomplishments is littered with failures. The Apostle Peter was a failure many times over before becoming a great man of God.  Jacob failed miserably before becoming Israel, the father of a great nation. Don’t let your past blind you to what God wants to do in your life! Don’t let your previous failures prevent you from experiencing the potential for which God created you.

Let failure teach you what not to do so you can discover what it is you can do. When failure becomes your friend instead of your critic you will do great things!