God Uses Cracked Vessels

Tim OlsonBlog, Ladies, Men

What is man that you art mindful of him?  This is the question posed by King David in Psalm 8:4. It’s amazing that God’s plans have always been fulfilled through human vessels despite the fact that they are cracked vessels at best. God chose to use Abraham who betrayed the sacred trust of his wife by asking her to claim him as her brother.  Or Moses who lived in exile on the backside of a desert afraid for his life with the lofty goal of being a shepherd.

Despite a serious lack of leadership qualifications, both of these men are recognized as great men of God.  Other unlikely vessels used by God include a prisoner named Joseph who rescued a nation, a teenage shepherd boy (David) who was dismissed as insignificant by his own family and an impulsive fisherman (Peter) who found found it hard to keep his mouth shut.

Contemporary leadership books would have disqualified everyone of these men who went on to become great leaders. It’s a good thing that God doesn’t use the criteria advocated in modern leadership models because if He did, He couldn’t use me!